Sunday, July 22, 2012
Figure 8 at Liberty video is up! :D
Yesterday I was able to sucker someone into video taping Cheyenne and I for our second session on the figure 8 at liberty!! I learned I'm not as assertive and clear as I thought I was, and especially when Cheyenne turns from RB to LB, I really need to get my energy up to motivate her and for once try to get her a little more extroverted to play the game. But over all I feel really great about it! And for my little RBE, it is HUGE that she is so LB about this new task, especially at liberty! She was much more connected to the grass yesterday than to me, but again I think bringing my energy up would have helped that as well. Any comments/feedback are welcome!! Click right here to see the video of awesomeness ;)
Friday, July 20, 2012
The perfect day :)
watching the SC DVD last night on F8 @ Liberty, I was itching to give
it a try!! I threw the barrels in the round pen, and warmed Cheyenne up
in the pasture OL with transitions on the circle, backing through the
gate from 22' away, and some STM. Then we moved into the round pen and
did a little more STM, remembering what Linda was telling Elli about
just go where you're going with confidence, and holding the horse
responsible for staying with me, instead of me having to slow down to
make sure Chey is still with me. That went great! We finally moved to F8
OL, and I played with my timing and making sure I ran STRAIGHT back.
All felt good, so off came the halter! She sent out well with just a
finger and a slight lift of the stick 2 seconds later, and when she went
around one of the barrels, I brought her in for an "atta girl". First
barrel, came in and snorted about 10 times with a lick-and-chew thrown
in there! I couldn't believe it! So I sent her back out, and she blew
past me when I asked for a change of direction around the barrel. I let
her finish her circle, let her life come down a bit, and asked again. I
think I might have been asking her for a COD too soon because she ended
up stopping, spinning an 180 and heading the other way. I kept my cool,
slapped the ground where she turned around, and went back to the center.
This happened three times, and then she went around a barrel doing half
of the F8 :) Brought her in for more praise, and the next time I sent
her out she felt SO connected!! Instead of cantering around (it was
still a nice LB canter, but a canter) like she had been doing, she was
giving me a nice trot with an ear and an eye on me, like "ok, where do
you want me?". She did one barrel well, I brought her in to let her
think, and went I sent her out (with just my finger) she went straight
to a barrel, put her nose on it, and looked at me with ears up with an
amazing expression asking "is this where you want me??!" SO COOL! I
supported her with a little direction, and it was beautiful! She was so
LB and in tune with me, and putting 110% into the task. We did two full
F8, another partial, and called it good. What an incredible feeling! I
wanted so badly to hop on with just the carrot stick and savvy string
and practice it more FS, but I stopped myself there. I have a tendency
of pushing, pushing, pushing, and all it does is hurt our progress. So
we called it quits there! I couldn't be more excited!! One thing Linda
talked about in the DVD was the conversations that Elli and the bay mare
(I can't remember her name) were having, and I realized I never really
allowed my horses to have a conversation with me, I was sucked into my
direct line thinking, and my focus was 100% on what I was asking the
horse to do, and not paying near as much attention to her feedback as I
should have been. Well, today that changed! I felt very "in the moment",
relaxed, and was actually LOVING the conversations Chey and I were
having!! I've been working on slowing down and allowing Cheyenne to try
instead of rushing her, and tonight adding the reminder of letting a
conversation happen pulled it all together for me, and I just feel
amazing on so many levels, and it really helped Chey to be a champ
tonight!! Ah.. oh man.. great, great session!!! I would have video taped
and (and wish I could have!!!) but the wind was in full force today and
would have just knocked it over. But I will try to video tape our next
liberty F8 session and post it on YouTube to share our progress! :)
Ok, so with Gwen tonight I decided I wanted to ride since I didn't want to push things with Cheyenne and hop on. Gwen and I warmed up OL with learning transitions OL, yo-yo, driving game on her front quarters, and sideways. She did great, but was a classic LBI tonight not wanting to put too much effort into anything. I hopped on, remembering how during our last ride I pushed too much (geez, are you seeing a pattern here?! lol) and kept asking Gweny to do point-to-points, trot, and play FTR. Wellllll she still doesn't have too many rides under her belt, and wants to go where SHE wants to go! I started letting her pick the direction half the time, and I picked the other half, and she became a lot more willing. Well, again on the SC DVD last night, Linda talked about how she never really knew how to play with Allure until she did what he wanted to do and just play and make a game out of everything, and only then would he become connected and willing. With that in mind, I decided to have our first true passenter/mirroring ride :) It was great for both of us!I I just supported whatever she wanted to do, and every time she offered to walk to the other end of the pasture, she got a cookie. When she just wanted to stand there, I scratched her, played with her neck, scooted to her butt and back, messed with her tail, etc, just getting her used to everything. She brought her head back every once in a while looking for a cookie, and I mirrored her head and turned my head and body just like hers. She paused for the longest time, stretched her neck further back (which I did as well), she paused again, brought her head back to almost straight, felt me do the same thing, then put her head straight again. It was too funny! The expression on her face was like "what is this girl doing?!". I don't know how many times we did this tonight, but it was hilarious to watch her play with her head position trying to figure out why I was mirroring her, and to see if I would keep doing it. Once or twice I got bored just sitting there and asked her to walk, or even trot, and she began to brace and since I was bareback I could really feel that hump emerge in her back - you know, that hump that happens right before a horse bucks. She's never bucked with me on her back, but her brace was her way of telling me she was definitely not okay with being bossed around. I reminded myself I needed patience, and to show her she wasn't going to be forced into anything. I want her to know she is my partner, not my vehicle. So I stopped, and let her do what she wanted until I ran out of cookies :) At first I was kind of bored just sitting around when she just wanted to hang out in a corner, but by the end of the ride both of us were having a great time! She realized whenever she moved forward and offered a walk she got a cookie and really started offering more by the end of the ride, and I learned a good lesson in patience and horsemanship :) Kalley Krickenburg said once that all the magic happens in the quiet moments, and tonight I really learned the truth behind that :) Aaahhhhh... can every day be like this, please? :)
Ok, so with Gwen tonight I decided I wanted to ride since I didn't want to push things with Cheyenne and hop on. Gwen and I warmed up OL with learning transitions OL, yo-yo, driving game on her front quarters, and sideways. She did great, but was a classic LBI tonight not wanting to put too much effort into anything. I hopped on, remembering how during our last ride I pushed too much (geez, are you seeing a pattern here?! lol) and kept asking Gweny to do point-to-points, trot, and play FTR. Wellllll she still doesn't have too many rides under her belt, and wants to go where SHE wants to go! I started letting her pick the direction half the time, and I picked the other half, and she became a lot more willing. Well, again on the SC DVD last night, Linda talked about how she never really knew how to play with Allure until she did what he wanted to do and just play and make a game out of everything, and only then would he become connected and willing. With that in mind, I decided to have our first true passenter/mirroring ride :) It was great for both of us!I I just supported whatever she wanted to do, and every time she offered to walk to the other end of the pasture, she got a cookie. When she just wanted to stand there, I scratched her, played with her neck, scooted to her butt and back, messed with her tail, etc, just getting her used to everything. She brought her head back every once in a while looking for a cookie, and I mirrored her head and turned my head and body just like hers. She paused for the longest time, stretched her neck further back (which I did as well), she paused again, brought her head back to almost straight, felt me do the same thing, then put her head straight again. It was too funny! The expression on her face was like "what is this girl doing?!". I don't know how many times we did this tonight, but it was hilarious to watch her play with her head position trying to figure out why I was mirroring her, and to see if I would keep doing it. Once or twice I got bored just sitting there and asked her to walk, or even trot, and she began to brace and since I was bareback I could really feel that hump emerge in her back - you know, that hump that happens right before a horse bucks. She's never bucked with me on her back, but her brace was her way of telling me she was definitely not okay with being bossed around. I reminded myself I needed patience, and to show her she wasn't going to be forced into anything. I want her to know she is my partner, not my vehicle. So I stopped, and let her do what she wanted until I ran out of cookies :) At first I was kind of bored just sitting around when she just wanted to hang out in a corner, but by the end of the ride both of us were having a great time! She realized whenever she moved forward and offered a walk she got a cookie and really started offering more by the end of the ride, and I learned a good lesson in patience and horsemanship :) Kalley Krickenburg said once that all the magic happens in the quiet moments, and tonight I really learned the truth behind that :) Aaahhhhh... can every day be like this, please? :)
Friday, July 13, 2012
Z5 Driving
I had so much fun trying to do the weave from Z5 last night with Cheyenne, I decided to make that the focus of our play session today! This time, armed with TWO 22' lines (feather lines are looking like a good addition to my tack room right about now! :p) we headed out! At first Cheyenne was seriously confused. All she wanted to do was back up or turn, desperately trying to figure out why I was behind her and not beside her! I was getting a little frustrated, but eventually figured out that just holding my arms straight out and clucking helped her think forward. Whatever direction she walked in I took, and after a good twenty strides or so I stopped her and gave her a good scratch. We did this a few times, and I slowly started asking her to turn. It was like driving a sports car with extremely sensitive steering at first, getting dramatically sharp turns left and right (literally!). However soon her head dropped, she got a little more relaxed and we began fine-tuning our communication :) We went over a log, did a little point-to-point, and then finally the weave!! The first one was a little all over the place, but three or four laps later she was pro! I love this mare, I can't stress enough how much "try" she offers! I get frustrated easily and instantly want to blame her when things get rocky, then I remember that I'm the leader, and whatever is happening is a reflection of myself, not her. I take a deep breath, give her a chance to try, and wha-la! Things are instantly better :) We kept it short tonight, but she made so much progress from start to finish I wanted to end on a good note before I pushed her too far and overwhelmed her, especially on day one. I am so grateful for this girl being a part of my life <3 She really has taught me so much, and especially about myself. If you truly want to make yourself a better person, get a horse; they will show you all your faults, and Parelli will show you how to make them better :)
Thursday, July 12, 2012
A great night with muh girls :)
Had a great night with both girls! I've been getting really bored with the same old stuff, and yesterday I saw a L3 video of a woman doing Z5 driving at liberty doing the weave with just the carrot stick, and thought it was something Chey and I definitely had to try!!! We did our first attempt at it tonight OL, and it was pretty hilarious. Cheyenne wasn't sure what I was doing back there, and kept trying to circle around or side pass over the cones! But once she got it she did great, and I was really proud of her :) Also to make things more interesting, I tried asking her to side pass over objects from 10 feet away, back through the gate with me 10 feet away from it but having her back all the way to the end of the 22, putting her back feet on the pedestal, and things of that nature :) She was very LB tonight, in a great learning frame of mind (when she wasn't sneaking grass) and put 110% into everything we did :) I hopped on and we played with transitions during FTR for the first time in a few weeks, and she did really well, and we had lots of exhales and breakthrough moments :) Such a good girl!
I did a quick OL warm up with Gwen and hopped on. She did okay, had a few good moments of impulsion but I feel the ride could have maybe gone better.The trick with her little LBI mind is to make things her idea, and get over my direct line thinking of "JUST GO TO THE CORNER! THAT SPECIFIC CORNER!". We had to kind of regress a bit and not focus so much on where we were going, but just the gait itself. Once she got a little better at maintaining gait, we played FTR for the first time, and she began to get the hang of it. We had a few distractions (my nephew came out again, and another horse was being played with in the pasture) but overall I'd rate the ride as a 5. Not bad, but not great either. Always something to improve though, right?!
I finally wrangled someone into being my photographer for five minutes and got a few pictures on Gweny at sunset :) Enjoy!
I did a quick OL warm up with Gwen and hopped on. She did okay, had a few good moments of impulsion but I feel the ride could have maybe gone better.The trick with her little LBI mind is to make things her idea, and get over my direct line thinking of "JUST GO TO THE CORNER! THAT SPECIFIC CORNER!". We had to kind of regress a bit and not focus so much on where we were going, but just the gait itself. Once she got a little better at maintaining gait, we played FTR for the first time, and she began to get the hang of it. We had a few distractions (my nephew came out again, and another horse was being played with in the pasture) but overall I'd rate the ride as a 5. Not bad, but not great either. Always something to improve though, right?!
I finally wrangled someone into being my photographer for five minutes and got a few pictures on Gweny at sunset :) Enjoy!
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Summer nights and four legged friends :)
Had a short and simple night with my girls tonight. Started out with Cheyenne, did a quick warm up OL with the weave, pedestal, and a little circle game. She was more focused on grass than anything, but was pretty LB, so I decided it was time to bridle up! We practiced stage 1 and 2 of the GOC, played FTR and I worked on my sitting trot with her since I was riding bareback. Let me tell you what, that mare is not your prime candidate for trotting fluidity! Lol! Her speed and direction are very inconsistent, especially when we track to the right for some reason. I have to lean way back and have a slight arch in my back for her to not be irritated with me and really start moving forward and relaxed. I found I have a tendency to lean forwards at the trot, which in turn makes her slow down, so I really had to make a point to lean back (to an extreme angle, at least it felt to me, but if she's happy, I'm happy!). It's been really hot, so we called that good once I got a relaxed walk and trot both directions :) She did so well! More whoa than go tonight which was interesting, but possibly heat related? She didn't seem laggy, just almost unmotivated, which is unusual for her. However still somehow responsive.. well maybe that's just an RBE's version of being LB... yeah.. we will call it that ;)
Monday, July 9, 2012
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Relaxation.. MY way ;)
After two weeks, I finally got to sped
some time with my four-legged-ladies!! I tried doing some OL with
Cheyenne, but it was well over 100 degrees and she was just not in the
state of mind to be learning, and frankly I can't blame her! So it was
another pony spa day, and it felt amazing to be back with my girls :)
And after combing Gwen's mane (which by the way is no small task) I did
the Friesian braid in her mane for the first time!!! Even added a
flower, she is such a lady... ;)

The masked marauder! |
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